Standard translations

LEX - TRADUCT Translation Agency does professional translations of different subjects and for many purposes. Our task is to guarantee accurate transformation of one language into another and maintain the meaning and register of the source material. We only hire translators who, thanks to their broad experience and perfect language competencies, guarantee the highest quality jobs. Our agency also co-operates with experts of various fields who using their knowledge assist us in translating professional and technical texts.
>We translate standard and technical documents in such fields as:
- business correspondence
- commercial agreements
- articles of association
- intellectual property right agreements
- powers of attorney
- insurance policies
Technology and IT
- construction engineering
- user manuals
- telecommunications
- office equipment
- programming languages such as C++ or PHP
- computer networks
- operating systems
- networking hardware
- guarantees
- civil law
- commercial law
- labour law
- notarial deeds
- European Union legal acts
Finance and accounting
- financial statements
- auditor’s reports
- budgets
- business plans
Once your translation is done, we will deliver it to you by either email, regular post or fax, whichever is the most convenient for you. If your order equals or exceeds PLN 350 (excl. VAT), we will collect your documents and deliver translations back to your headquarters or cover the post expenses.
We guarantee your materials are secure and kept confidential.
You may need to use our user friendly check-the-price form!