Technical translations

In each enterprise, business and important project, foreign languages play a significant role. Whether you are writing a thesis on sanitary engineering, housing, architecture, dental surgery or microbiology, each text in modern Europe needs to be translated into foreign languages. The most frequently chosen language is English, but this isn’t a norm everyone adheres to. Equally often chosen languages are for example: German, Russian, French, Spanish, Dutch and Swedish – these are the languages of which translations you can order in our company.
Thanks to employing outstanding linguists, polyglots and philologists-translators we are proud of really high quality of services. Because we also specialize in technical translations, our clients are often various international businesses, corporations, but also public facilities – hospitals, clinics, law offices, courts etc.
We provide technical translations of the highest quality. We owe this high quality level to the fact, that the text belonging to a specific field is translated not only by expert of the language, but also a good translator, who is also an expert in specific categories and perfectly moves between words and phrases occurring in the dialect of professional speech, in the specific occupational language.
Technical translations made by us are very successful, we have excellent contact with clients, and in the case of doubts concerning the substance of the text we call the customer and do everything according to his wish. It should be noted, that the technical translations are not the most simple ones, because they require the knowledge, which our employees possess and use skillfully in their everyday work.